Gregory Crapanzano
Senior Counsel
Virginia | New York
Tel: (917) 575-3440

Washington and Lee University School of Law, J.D., cum laude
Journal of Civil Rights and Social Justice
Research Assistant for Professor Doug Rendleman
Pro Bono Service AwardUniversity of Virginia, B.A., with distinction
Commercial Litigation and Arbitration
• Represented leading broadcast communications and real estate company in various disputes against landowners and neighbors related to trespass, adverse possession, easements, easement by proscription, and in contract disputes, resulting in consistently favorable outcomes.
• Represented Bed Bath & Beyond, Inc. in landmark maritime actions.
• Represented international industrial manufacturer in Delaware Chancery Court in dispute regarding joint venture alleging $1 billion in damages.
• Represented life insurance companies bringing claims of breach of contract, fraud, and related causes of action against owner and network of related entities resulting in favorable summary judgment of nearly $40 million plus attorneys’ fees.
• Represented medical device manufacturer in contract dispute against customer and ensuing indemnification dispute with investor.
• Represented industrial manufacturer in products liability case related to a fire at a municipal solid waste incineration facility.
• Represented leading national employment and staffing firm in whistleblower and employment practices dispute through administrative law process and appeal to Ninth Circuit, ending in favorable outcome at each phase.
• Represented contractor in business dispute related to amounts owed following bankruptcy of major United States’ retailer, obtaining favorable outcome through mediation.
• Represented major U.S. fuel distributor in AAA arbitration against numerous fuel retailers.
• Represent property owners in a homeowners’ association against HOA and other defendants in dispute related to HOA authority.
White Collar and Government Investigations
• Represented international bank in response to FTC scrutiny tied to alleged wire fraud and consumer fraud in international real estate development.
• Represented community bank in response to regulatory scrutiny regarding related party loans and banking practices.
• Represented community bank in internal investigation related to sufficiency of SEC disclosures.
• Represented individual against CFTC regarding allegations of fraud resulting in favorable settlement.
• Represented investment firm in litigation against FERC in response to allegations of fraudulent transactions.
• Represented individual in response to federal indictment alleging wire fraud tied to alleged Ponzi scheme.
• Represented business in response to Department of Justice investigation into use of premises in alleged major drug-smuggling and distribution scheme.
Antitrust and Trade Regulation
• Represented professional sports league in antitrust class action alleging price fixing and collusion for sale of television sports packages and successfully excluded plaintiffs’ expert, resulting in settlement.
• Represented major construction manufacturer in a direct- and indirect- purchaser putative class action, resulting in settlement.
• Represented nuclear waste disposal company against competitor regarding refusal to deal.
• Advised banking equipment manufacturer on antitrust-related issues and best practices regarding refusals to deal, tying, and exclusive supply agreements.
• Advised network of hospitals and medical centers with physicians in over 800 locations regarding terms of noncompete agreements and antitrust issues.
Class Actions
• Represented professional sports league in mass torts class-action litigation regarding concussion-related injuries.
Williams Mullen P.C.
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
Clerkship: Hon. John A. Gibney, Jr., E.D.Va.
Prior to law school, Greg was a legal assistant at Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP.
State: Virginia, New York
Federal: E.D.Va; 4th Circuit
Greg has a longstanding commitment to public service. As an undergraduate at the University of Virginia in 2005, Greg founded Peanuts and Crackerjacks, an organization dedicated to mentoring and tutoring Charlottesville elementary school students and bringing them to UVA baseball games. The student-led organization continues in its mission today.
Presently, Greg serves on the Board of Directors for the disAbility Law Center of Virginia, an advocacy organization helping clients with disability-related problems such as abuse, neglect and discrimination.
Greg also serves as Chair of the Board of Young Professionals for Greater Richmond Stop Child Abuse Now (“SCAN”), an organization dedicated to the prevention and treatment of child abuse and neglect in the Greater Richmond area.
Greg previously served as a coach for the New York State High School Mock Trial program.
Greg was named to “Ones to Watch” by Best Lawyers® in 2022 and 2023.