Sam Lowry
Tel: (616) 928-5181

Harvard College, A.B. in History and Government, Magna Cum Laude with Highest Honors
Secondary Field of Study in Global Health and Health Policy, Certificate in Data Science
Awards: Eric Firth Prize (2023); Harvard-Endorsed Rhodes Candidate (2022); Joseph L. Barret Award (2022)
Legal Services Center of Harvard Law School, Student Advocate May 2022 – August 2022
Strategized SSA, VA, and criminal record sealing cases in the same role as Harvard Law 2 and 3L students
Pioneered new outreach effort to at-risk Veterans and residents of Cape Cod and the Islands
Professor Jill Lepore, Harvard College
Head Research Assistant May 2021 – May 2023
Led technical aspects of a project to compile and thematically tag all proposals to amend the Constitution
Designed, implemented, and oversaw workflow used by RAs for compiling proposed amendments
Congressman Bill Huizenga’s Office
Capitol Hill Intern (June – August 2020